Foie Gras Kromeskis

Cut the block of Foie Gras into 4 to obtain 4 rectangles of Foie Gras of the same size.
Coat each piece in the breadcrumb mixture (flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs). Repeat the operation twice and place in the refrigerator.
In the meantime prepare the garnish. Brown a finely chopped shallot in butter. Add the peas, cover and cook on a low heat (until the peas are soft).
Blend the pea preparation into a very fine puree. Season the puree with salt and pepper.
Cook the radishes in butter, covering them for about 5 minutes.
Take the 4 rectangles of breadcrumbed Foie Gras out of the refrigerator and deep fry for 4 to 5 minutes.
Arrange on the plates. Form a comma of pea puree, add one radish and one kromeski to each plate and serve immediately.
To remove your Foie Gras neatly from the pack, we advise passing the heated blade of a non-serrated knife around the Foie Gras. Then press gently in the middle of the tray to slide the Foie Gras out.